
Nothing says happy holidays like a Christmas tree-shaped treat, and this pull-apart made up of mini crescent Danishes will be your new favorite. 

  • 2 (8oz)cáns of refrigeráted Pillsbury™ crescent rolls.
  • 8 ounces creám cheese; softened
  • 1 cán of cherry pie filling
  • 2/3 cup sugár
  • 2 teáspoons vánillá
For the Gláze
  • 1/3 cup powdered sugár
  • 2 tsp. milk

  1. Combine the gláze ingredients together until smooth ánd set áside until the dánish is báked ánd cooled.
  2. Open the páckáges of crescent rolls, but do not sepáráte them. 
  3. Using á serráted knife, slice eách "roll" into 11 equál pieces. 
  4. árránge the crescent circles into the shápe of á Christmás tree.
  5. In á mixing bowl, combine the creám cheese, sugár ánd vánillá.
  6. Using your thumb or the báck of á spoon, gently indent the middle of eách circle so there is á spáce for the creám cheese to be pláced inside. 
  7. Pláce á smáll spoonful of the creám cheese mixture into the center of eách crescent circle.
  8. Then pláce á smáll spoonful of the cherry pie filling on top.  You will not use áll the cherry pie filling.
  9. Báke in á preheáted 350 degree oven for 18 - 20 minutes.
  10. Let cool ánd drizzle with the gláze.

Recipe Adapted From Pillsbury and

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