Old Fashioned Sponge Candy

This little gem comes from Gramma Y. Also known as honeycomb toffee, hokey pokey or cinder toffee, follow this guide to creating this crunchy holiday sweet.

Description ::

I love these little melt in your mouth goodies.
    Most may not remember these, but when I was a child we always had some of these candies (along with orange sticks and bon bons} sitting on our front porch steps after Midnight Mass from "Santa"


 * 1 Cup Granulated Sugar
 * 1 Cup Corn Syrup, dark
 * 1 Tablespoon Vinegar
 * 1 Tablespoon Baking Soda


1. Combine sugar, syrup, and vinegar in heavy sauce pan. Stir over medium heat until sugar dissolves.
2. Then cook to 300° F. or crack stage. Remove from heat, stir soda in quickly, mixing up. (it will become frothy)
3. Pour into buttered pan.
4. Cool and break into uneven pieces.
5. Optional - may be dipped in almond bark for extra yum-mi-ness.

Store in air-tight Container. Layers may be seperated by wax paper if needed.

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